
Monday, October 02, 2006

A night with Sammy!

Well tonight was a lot of fun, my friend Sam just bought her first house in Flint and I went over to check it out, and to help her paint! I never realized growing up how much knowing how to paint would come in handy, THANKS MOM!! :) She took me out to eat for my help, which was very nice, Sam's a really good friend. She also gave me my Christmas present, which was a gnome, so I am psyched to find a place for it in the apartment. This is my 6th gnome now, I love it!!

Not much has been different, staying busy with school of course. I have to do homework everyday, which isn't bad because it keeps me on my toes, but one night a week would be nice without it. I guess I'll get that when I'm done though, lol. Just a few more years to go!

I finally started my training at Zehnders. Carrying those trays really takes a tole on your body. They can get really heavy sometimes when you're clearing tables, or when they are stacked with food. It will be worth the money though, I just have to remember to strech my lower back and shoulders before I go in, and after I get out. Hopefully that will help my body not feel so soar. I also need to start working out again. That will help with the job, but I'm still a little worried that I will overuse my bad foot and then it will take longer to heal, that would suck! I'll just have to do what I can.

I've also been talking to Tommy on the phone, which always makes me happy. I hate the fact that I'll never be as close with him as I am with Mitchell, and we'll never have the same kind of brother:sister relationship because we are so far apart in age and now in distance. I feel like I never get to see him. :( I guess I just get worried that he's getting the short end of the stick and might never know how much I love him. I have wanted a little brother or sister in my life for soooo long, I have never felt a love like the love I feel for Tommy. I just love watching him grow and learn and become his own person. It's amazing, and everytime I see him it seems like he growing so much! And I just feel like I'm missing out on his life and it sucks!!!

Well I'm going to go, I love you guys!!!


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